Windows Media Player 11, Internet Explorer 7, Flip3D (TopDesk),
VisualTaskTips (Oringinal), SlideBar (Thoosje Sidebar), TransBar
(Original - Transperancy taskbar), True Transparency (Original -
Transperancy windows), UberIcon (Original - Icon Effect), YzShadow
(Original - Transperancy StartMenu).
*Download success, right click
on any part then choose Extract files.. or Extract here (do not choose
Extract to ) => one standard ISO file's created (size Burn to CD,
Install a fresh Windows from CD.
*No need CD-Key (added). No need active (activated). Can Update (Key genuine).
* Mininimum System: Intel CeD 2.0G, Ram 512Mb, 5gb HDD
* Recommended System: Intel Pen4, Ram 1Gb, Card MH Offboard 32mb, 10gb HDD
*Support Laptop, Support SATA
Windows Media Player 11, Internet Explorer 7, Flip3D (TopDesk),
VisualTaskTips (Oringinal), SlideBar (Thoosje Sidebar), TransBar
(Original - Transperancy taskbar), True Transparency (Original -
Transperancy windows), UberIcon (Original - Icon Effect), YzShadow
(Original - Transperancy StartMenu).
*Download success, right click
on any part then choose Extract files.. or Extract here (do not choose
Extract to ) => one standard ISO file's created (size Burn to CD,
Install a fresh Windows from CD.
*No need CD-Key (added). No need active (activated). Can Update (Key genuine).
* Mininimum System: Intel CeD 2.0G, Ram 512Mb, 5gb HDD
* Recommended System: Intel Pen4, Ram 1Gb, Card MH Offboard 32mb, 10gb HDD